Collectors Corner

Collectors Paradise, Botanical Garden, Museum

Collectors Corner is renowned for its extensive range of specialty plants including cacti & succulents, bromeliads, orchids, hoyas, bonsai, tillandsias & carnivorous plants. We also stock gemstones, fossils, jewellery, salt lamps, shells, books, gifts & much more. Open 7 days a week 9am-5pm including most public holidays.

For any enquiries regarding our products please contact the friendly staff members at Collectors Corner directly either by phone: (03) 9798 5845 or email:

Or why not come and visit the store in person to view our fantastic range of items (have a cuppa at the cafe next door). And of course you can also find our products on eBay (user name is collectors_corner08) where your purchases can be posted directly to your door. We hope you find something you like and will share our page with your friends. cheers, the CC team ;-)
